Wednesday, March 29, 2017


Famous words from a famous sitcom from the early 90s.  And the topic of my blog post this week.

Sometimes, we work really hard at this thing we call teaching.  And sometimes, we need to REST.  I was fortunate enough to attend the CBDNA convention, spend some great quality time with my family, and even get some work done around the house (I still have so much to do....)

In my Philosophy of Music Education class, while pursuing my Master of Music Education, my professor, Dr. Randy Pembrook, taught us one of the greatest words in the world to use as a teacher - NO.

Why is this such a great word?  Because sometimes, we need to say no.  We need to say no to bringing home the extra work that could be done later.  We need to say no to meetings that happen just for the sake of meetings (especially when working with kids is more important).  We need to say no to students that don't meet deadlines that then create more work for us.  And how else will they learn?

I love my job.  But sometimes, we need to take a break. It's okay.

So, I took a break.  And it was good.

And now, we are back in school and driving to finish strong.  I love this "season" in our year.  So much to do, so many opportunities for kids, and then we get ready for the next "season".   It's an exciting time - adding a new and amazing staff member, getting ready to watch kids graduate, our last concert, and so many other things.

Break's over.  Let's get to work!

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