Monday, September 29, 2014

Until THE test goes away...

All right, already.  A few days ago we had a professional development day that involved two highly regarded presenters in the field of digital classrooms and beyond (Will Richardson and George Couros).  I didn't need the inspiration - I was already there.  I believe in it 100%.  This is where our world exists NOW.  It's not where we're headed.  We are here.  My own children (8 and 11) live with technology in ways that I never dreamed.  Now, back to my point.  I WANT (like many teachers in our schools) to transform my classroom to one that is much more digital.  I WANT to be able to facilitate kids' learning, not make them "sit and get".  I'm just a band director, though, and that means I HAVE to do some of the "old school" teaching.  So do many others.  Many of us WANT to move kids to Project Based Learning, and give them missions rather than homework.  I know I definitely learn by doing.  I know that others do as well.  I know that it's important for us to make that happen for kids and give them the experiences that will provoke thought, inspire them to explore and give them the tools they are going to need to survive in this world.

BUT - (and I know I am about to open a can of worms here) what about THE test?  You know, the state assessment that measures our students' knowledge and ability to demonstrate the understanding of that knowledge.  IF we only look at the digital classroom and beyond as another "tool in our belt", then are we just creating the "jack of all trades, master of none" classroom?  Are we really going to be able to produce the kind of thinkers and doers that the world needs?  Are we giving our students everything we should?

As teachers, we should be giving them all of the above.  I must ask, though, if our hands are proverbially tied to teaching the information on the test, how is it that we can make the progression in education we need to make?  The state wide test is the measure of our students' knowledge.  Are we doing the right thing here?  Am I just trying to live in an idealistic world?

This is my first attempt at a blog.  After proofreading, I see that I like figures of speech.  Maybe that's the title to my next post...